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Molly & Haydn Cycle the World for Refugees

Molly & Haydn Cycle the World for Refugees

Molly & Haydn

United Kingdom

About this campaign

We are cycling from the UK to New Zealand to raise as much money, support and awareness as we can for the amazing charity Help Refugees.

We began our journey in April 2017 and we are still cycling! We volunteered in Calais of the same year and spent time learning more about the charity and their work alongside RCK (Refugee Community Kitchen) who distribute delicious, nutritious meals every day to displaced people in Northern France. We were incredibly inspired by the people who are part of both organisations there.

Once we had arrived in Athens, we also worked for three months with the Elea Project at Eleonas Refugee Camp. In addition to providing basic services such as food and clothing, they also focus on creative engagement through education, sports, culture, environment and skill-sharing activities for both children and adults.

After over 20,000km and 23 countries across the world we are now in Wales cycling the last 300km home to North Dorset to cycle back onto the gravel driveway from which we left over 3 years ago.

Please Choose Love and DONATE to help us reach our goal of £12,500!

You can also support us by following our journey on social media and visiting our website to read and see more:

Recent donations


An anonymous supporter donated to

3 years ago


Felicity M donated to

3 years, 7 months ago


Simon D donated to

3 years, 7 months ago


JILL G donated to

3 years, 7 months ago


Jane M donated to

3 years, 7 months ago