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Tom Ling


About this campaign

If we were forced to leave our home in Cambridge, for fear of death or starvation, scared that our children might die on the journey and get to any place of safety I hope I would be treated with kindness and understanding. I would be baffled if people responded differently. We are doing this (very long, very brutal) bike ride so that at least in some way those with steely thighs and their kind friends can show that we care and we understand and we thing that they deserve a better welcome than they most likely get.
The Khora Centre in Athens is empowering, efficient and gives back to forced migrants some dignity alongside some necessities. Every pence you give will be put to good use.
For those that remember me promising that last year was my last I can only apologise... One year older but still, apparently, no wiser. This year's route is spectacular but a true challenge.

Recent donations


Lynne W donated to

4 years, 9 months ago


Steve W donated to

4 years, 9 months ago


Sonja M donated to

4 years, 9 months ago


Rebecca L donated to

4 years, 9 months ago


Dominic C donated to

4 years, 9 months ago